SCHEDULe of events

Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice offers workshops, seminars, short retreats and courses in meditation, mindfulness and the heart teachings of Buddhism live online, face to face and in recorded courses you can complete "at your own pace". The workshops and courses offered live online and face to face are listed below. The workshops and courses offered at your own pace (pre-recorded videos and audio) are listed HERE.

For full details of talks, classes and workshops continue scrolling or download the 2024 Schedule

The time zone for all live events is Australian Eastern Standard (BRISBANE). To check the time in your location use the Time Zone Converter.

We open all of our events by reciting our Opening and Closing prayers, which can be downloaded HERE.

We have a network of Dharma Groups on the east coast of Australia contact us to find out more.  

If you want to support our mission and aims you can become a PA Foundation member.

We rely on Dana (generosity or giving to the Dharma) in order to run our publicprograms. Use the button below to support us:

2024 eventS

Workshop Series: Tibetan Self-Healing Techniques

LIVE ONLINE ~ 13th, 20th and 27th JULY 2024

  10am - 1pm (AEST - Sydney Time Zone)

Tibetan self-healing techniques are a profound collection of practices rooted in the ancient wisdom of Tibetan medicine. These methods harmonize the body's energies through a blend of acupressure, yoga, energy balancing, meditation, sound and visualization. Central to these techniques is the belief in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and elemental energy as well as the transformative power of joy, love, compassion and equanimity. These time-honored practices offer a holistic approach to health, emphasizing prevention and self-care, and are revered for their deep healing and restorative properties. The techniques taught in this workshop are focused on general wellbeing as well as anxiety and mental health.

The workshop will be led by Pema Düddul, who is a Buddhist Chaplain,  transpersonal counsellor, the author of numerous Dharma books, and a Dharma teacher. Pema-la received training in these healing techniques from multiple masters of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition - such as Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, Ngakpa Karma Lhundup Rinpoche and others. He is also trained in a number of other modalities such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, Shiatsu and hypnosis.

The Zoom link and workshop resources will be emailed after registration.

The workshops will be recorded for those unable to attend live. The recordings will only be made available to registered participants.

Download the flyer to share with friends, family and contacts:

Tibetan Self-Healing Flyer.pdf Tibetan Self-Healing Flyer.pdf
Size : 467.433 Kb
Type : pdf



Tibetan Self Healing

$ 120.00 AUD

Weekly Online Meditation Group

You are welcome to join the live online guidedmeditation sessions. The style of meditation we use is drawn from the Dzogchen tradition. Just click on the orange button below to join us. 

Meditation sessions are on Zoom every Sunday morning from January to November each year. We start at 9:30am (AEST).

Although these meditation sessions are offered without a set fee, donations are welcome and can be made below.

Online Dharma Talks

We hold four Dharma Talks each year, aligned with the Southern Hemisphere seasons. The talks are held in our Digital Temple online using Zoom. In 2024 all talks will all be given by Pema Düddul. We do not require registration for the Dharma Talks, just join us on Zoom by clicking the orange "Attend" button below. You can join our mailing list for news and updates by contacting us.

 Summer Dharma Talk: Boundless Love - 7pm Wednesday February 28th 2024 (in collaboration with the Metta Centre)

Autumn Dharma Talk: Dudjom Rinpoche’s ‘Play of Thought' Part One - 7pm Wednesday April 24th 2024

Winter Dharma Talk: Dudjom Rinpoche’s ‘Play of Thought' Part Two  - 7pm Sunday August 25th 2024

Spring Dharma Talk: Ordinary Mind and Buddha Mind in Chan and Dzogchen - 7pm Sunday October 27th 2024

Although these Dharma talks are offered without a set fee, donations are welcome and can be made below.

The Path of Joy and Ease - Five Year Practice Program (Online)

Our long-term practice program is for registered participants. The five-year practice program is focused on recognizing and abiding in the natural state, which is spacious awareness alive with Bodhichitta. The program is based on the Dzogchen pith instructions of Kyabje Togden Amtrin and on the Dzogchen Semde Four Yogas. The program relies on the profound concept of natural unfolding – that by engaging in simple, essential practices all the realizations of the “higher” teachings such as Mahamudra and Dzogchen evolve naturally and effortlessly. The program has two streams:

  1. Devotion Stream – for those drawn to devotion and Guru Yoga
  2. Meditation Stream – for those drawn to the practice of joy, love and compassion

New participants can join at any time. The Five Year Program Sessions are on the first Sunday of January, March, May, July, September & November at 6pm (AEST). For more information click the button below.

The fee for this program is $15 AUD per month (which includes PA Foundation membership). If you are experiencing financial hardship and youneed a scholarship for the fees we have a number of sponsored places. Contact us if you would like to apply for one of these scholarships.

© Copyright Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice