བདེ་བ་ཅན་ 極樂淨土
A Memorial Forest
Pristine Awareness Hermitage will include a protected native forest and memorial garden that will be beneficial to the environment, to wildlife and to future generations. The forest and garden will be called Sukhavati (བདེ་བ་ཅན་/ 極樂淨土) Memorial Forest. Sukhavati is the Western pure land of the Buddha Amitabha.
Honouring someone’s life by sponsoring the planting of trees is a deeply meaningful gift that allows us to express our sympathy and condolences in a unique and spiritual way that represents renewal in difficult times. Likewise, planting trees in honour of the birth of a child or the marriage of those dear to us expresses our joy at life, our appreciation of love and our hope for the future.
The gift of trees will endure and grow stronger, year after year, bringing benefit to nature, wildlife and people for generations to come.
In Buddhism, planting trees and creating benefit to the natural world, safe habitat for wildlife and environmental benefit for future generations in the name of those we love creates merit and positive karma that we can dedicate to those we are celebrating or commemorating. For as long as the trees and forest grow, that benefit will flow to those we’ve honoured.

Dorrigo Location Shots
Frequently Asked Questions about our Memorial Tree Program
When will you start planting? We are not ready to start planting yet, but it’s never too early to plan ahead to memorialise your loved one, celebrate new life or honour an upcoming marriage. We expect to be planting in 2024 or 2025.
Can I make a general donation towards the planting of the forest? Yes. You can donate any amount towards the creation of Sukhavati Memorial Forest. Donations will go towards planting and managing the nature reserve section of the forest, which is called the Wild Wood. This area will become a haven for native plants, birds and wildlife and will be protected under a conservation agreement so that it can never be cleared. We are a not-for-profit organisation so your donations will go solely to the creation of the forest. Please note that though we are a not-for-profit organisation donations to us are not currently tax deductible. We will recognise all donations over $50 with a printable certificate. These certificates can be made out to family or friends and given as gifts.
Can I sponsor the purchase of land? Yes. You can sponsor the purchase of land by acre and receive naming rights for that portion of the forest. For example, if your name is Henrietta and you wish to sponsor the purchase of an acre your acre could be called something like ‘Henrietta’s Hollow’. When you sponsor the purchase of land we then plant it out with patches of native forest connected by a natural walkway. The price of land varies based on location so please contact us to discuss how to proceed. You can also make a donation towards the purchase of land but without naming rights. We will recognise all donations over $50 with a printable certificate. These certificates can be made out to family or friends and given as gifts.
I would like to sponsor a Memorial Tree. What should I do next? All you have to do is contact us to register your interest and we will get in touch with you to discuss it.
Who can a Memorial Tree commemorate? Tree planting is a beautiful and environmentally beneficial form of memorial to remember lost loved ones. Our memorial tree planting program at Sukhavati Memorial Forest intends to commemorate any sentient being who has passed, both our human loved ones and our beloved pets. They can have passed recently or a long time ago. You can also sponsor the planting of trees to celebrate a birth or wedding.
Will our Memorial Tree be maintained? Yes, the sponsorship cost of a memorial tree includes maintenance.
May I choose the location and tree? Sponsors may request a location in one of three areas in Sukhavati Memorial Forest: the Wild Wood, the Clear View Garden or the Avenue of Remembrance. The Wild Wood is for native trees only, whereas the Clear View Garden and Avenue of Remembrance can include non-native trees to allow the planting of the favourite tree of those being commemorated or celebrated. Please nominate your location of preference and preferred tree or plant when you speak with us.
May I arrange the planting for a particular day? We will work with you to determine the best planting day. The usual procedure is for our sponsors to indicate their preferred date (a loved one’s birthday, wedding day or anniversary for example). We will advise if this is suitable (based on weather and some other factors).
Can I attend the planting? We are not planting yet. In the future we will offer in-person and virtual attendance of the planting. We can also provide Buddhist dedication ceremonies for the event. Please note that State Government restrictions on public gatherings may apply due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Can my tree planting have a plaque? Yes, plaques are provided. We also provide a Memorial Tree Certificate for each sponsored planting. The Memorial Tree Certificate includes the name of the loved one (or event) being commemorated or celebrated, planting date, tree species and location. Up to five copies of the signed certificate can be provided for each tree.
How many people or pets can the tree commemorate? Usually a Memorial Tree commemorates or celebrates one person or pet but can commemorate up to two people or a number of pets.
What if my Memorial Tree dies? Trees are a living organism that can be affected by many factors, including weather events. If a memorial tree needs to be removed due to poor health we will attempt to make contact with the original sponsor and provide a new tree free of charge. This would be a rare occurrence.
How much is the Memorial Tree sponsorship fee? The sponsorship fee of our tree plantings are much lower than most other memorial tree programs in Australia. Our program has added benefits in that we are creating a protected native forest that will be beneficial to the environment, to wildlife and to future generations.
Planting of Memorial Tree: $500.00 AUD (inc. GST)
What does the sponsorship fee of the Memorial Tree cover? The sponsorship fee covers the following: provision of a tree, provision of a personalised plaque, site preparation and planting, staking, mulching and a temporary tree guard. The cost also includes survey mapping services, the Memorial Certificate and ongoing watering and maintenance.
Dedicating a whole grove - Dedicating a whole patch of forest to a loved one is a wonderful way of memorialising or celebrating them and creating a great benefit for the natural environment, wildlife and future generations. At Sukhavati Memorial Forest whole areas are put aside to be dedicated in honour of a person or family. These areas or groves will be named after the person or family and will be accessible via a natural walking path linking the areas together. Each dedicated patch will include a small clearing or open grove with an optional memorial stone or bench where family and friends can sit and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the forest they created. The groves are a half or full acre in size. Larger groves can be negotiated.
How much is the Memorial Grove sponsorship fee?
Planting of Memorial Grove: $5,000.00 AUD per half acre (inc. GST)
Additional memorial stone or bench: Price on application
What does the sponsorship fee of the Memorial Grove cover? The sponsorship fee covers the following: provision of native tree and shrub species to create an open grove, provision of a personalised plaque, site preparation and planting, staking, mulching, temporary tree guards, creation of a natural walkway, purchase and placement of memorial stone and/or bench if ordered. The cost also includes survey mapping services, the Memorial Certificate and ongoing watering and maintenance.
Payment options - Once a planting location has been confirmed we will issue you with an invoice which can be paid by bank deposit, electronic funds transfer or Paypal. Once payment has been received we will proceed with the tree planting, issuing the certificate and installing a plaque, stone or bench (if ordered).
© Copyright Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice