SCHEDULe of events

Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice offers workshops, seminars, short retreats and courses in meditation, mindfulness and the heart teachings of Buddhism live online, face to face and in recorded courses you can complete "at your own pace". The workshops and courses offered live online and face to face are listed below. The workshops and courses offered at your own pace (pre-recorded videos and audio) are listed HERE.

For full details of talks, classes and workshops continue scrolling or download the 2025 Schedule

The time zone for all live events is Australian Eastern Standard (BRISBANE). To check the time in your location use the Time Zone Converter.

We open all of our events by reciting our Opening and Closing prayers, which can be downloaded HERE.

We have a network of Dharma Groups on the east coast of Australia contact us to find out more.  

If you want to support our mission and aims you can become a PA Foundation member.

We rely on Dana (generosity or giving to the Dharma) in order to run our publicprograms. Use the button below to support us:

upcoming eventS


 Join us for this one-off transmission (lung) of Garab Dorje's "Three Statements that Strike the Vital Point" plus four important Dudjom texts/practices. This event is to celebrate the parinirvana anniversary of Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, who passed away on January 17, 1987.

The transmissions will be given online, in our digital temple, at 7pm on Friday, January 17th, 2025 (Brisbane time zone). The transmissions will not be recorded as they need to be given and received in real time.

Although Lama Pema is giving these transmissions without a fee, please consider making an offering to Pristine Awareness to create auspicious circumstances for yourself and others. 

Bookings are not required but are appreciated. 

Although this Dharma event is offered without a set fee, donations are welcome and can be made below.

Online DharmaTalks

We hold a number of Dharma talks each year. You can download the full schedule above.These events are held in our Digital Temple online using Zoom. In 2025 all talks and seminars will be given by Lama Pema Düddul. We require registration for these events. To register click the orange "Register" button below and send us a message. You can join our mailing list for news and updates by contacting us.

February 1, 2025, 7pm - 9pm (Brisbane time zone)

July 11th to 13th, 2025

May 4, 2025, 10am - 12pm (Brisbane time zone)

October 4, 2025, 7pm - 9pm (Brisbane time zone)

Although these Dharma events are offered without a set fee, donations are welcome and can be made below.

Online Retreat ~ 2025

Dakini Voices: Timeless Wisdom from Dzogchen’s Women Masters

July 11th to 13th, 2025
Live on Zoom

The retreat will focus on pith instructions from four revered female Dzogchen masters: Metsongma Parani (650 CE), Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal (750 CE), Sera Khandro (1892–1940), and Dudjom Khandro Kunzang Wangmo (?? – 2009). The pith instructions focus on Dzogchen meditation techniques such as darkness meditation, sky-gazing and resting body, speech and mind in the natural state.

As well as instruction on these practices, transmission will be given for each of the pith teachings as well as the Single AH practice, the Heart Essence of the Lama practice, and Resting Body, Speech and Mind in the Natural State.

A retreat guide will be provided to assist you to hold the retreat in your own home or other location of your choosing. 

The retreat will be led by Lama Pema Düddul (PhD). Download the retreat flyer to share.

Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal

Although this retreat is offered without a set fee, donations are welcome and can be made below.

practice programS

Luminous Awareness - Online Bardo Practice Program

This Bardo Practice program focuses on Dream Yoga, Rainbow Yoga (Illusory Form) and practices for the Bardo of Dying. This is a self-guided program supported by a workbook. The program is wholly online and asynchronous, meaning you do the program at your own pace. The program is designed to be completed in a minimum of 12 and maximum of 16 months. You can start the program at any time.

The program involves applying the teachings in Lama Pema Düddul's book Luminous Awareness: A Guidebook to Natural Awakening in Life and in Death (volume two). The program can be done as part of The Path of Joy and Ease, our five year practice program, or as a stand-alone program.

If you wish to join this program Contact Us.

Download the program flyers to share:

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Bardo Program Flyer v2.pdf Bardo Program Flyer v2.pdf
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Type : pdf

Although this program is offered without a set fee, donations are welcome and can be made below.

“I am confident readers will find this book, Luminous Awareness: A Guidebook to Natural Awakening in Life and in Death, interesting and useful in understanding the way it explains the Buddhist approach to the end of life.” ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Path of Joy and Ease - Online Five Year Practice Program

Our long-term practice program is for registered participants. The five-year practice program is focused on recognizing and abiding in the natural state, which is spacious awareness alive with Bodhichitta. The program is based on the Dzogchen pith instructions of Kyabje Togden Amtrin and on the Dzogchen Semde Four Yogas. The program relies on the profound concept of natural unfolding – that by engaging in simple, essential practices all the realizations of the “higher” teachings such as Mahamudra and Dzogchen evolve naturally and effortlessly. The program has two streams:

  1. The Stream of Immeasurable Joy – for those drawn to the practice of joy, love and compassion
  2. The Stream of Devotion – for those drawn to devotion and Guru Yoga

New participants can join at any time. Levels One and Two of the program are wholly online and asynchronous, meaning you do the program at your own pace. Levels Three and up involve live online sessions four times each year. For more information click the button below.

The suggested donation for this program is $15 AUD per month. If you are experiencing financial hardship we have a number of sponsored places. Contact us if you would like to apply for one of these sponsored places. No-one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

© Copyright Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice